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Profiili ID#[0000000273]

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Käyttäjänimi gaz001
Etunimi (nickname) gary
Sukunimi (nickname) Blake
Syntymäpäivä 20.11.1980
Horoskooppi merkki Skorpioni
Sukupuoli Male
Orientation You must be at least a Free member to view this data
Body type You must be at least a Free member to view this data
Haettu seuratyyppi for romance, for long relationship, for friendship, for dating only
Haettu kaupunki Argentina
Siviilisääty Married
Lapset 1
Pituus 5'9" (175cm)
Paino 150 lbs (68kg)
Hiusten väri Monivärinen
Silmien väri Vihreä
Kansallisuus White/Caucasion
Tupakointi En polta
Alkoholi Occasionally
Koulutus Iltalukio
Known languages English
Oma kuvaus I am fun to be around and enjoy good company. Looking to have some fun
Haettavan partnerin sukupuoli Female
Seeking country Argentina
Seeking marital status Single, Divorced, Separated, Widowed, Married
Seeking children None, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or more
Seeking hair color Musta, Blondi, Vaalean ruskea, Brunette, Kullan ruskea, Tumman ruskea, Monivärinen, Punainen, Harmaa, Hopea, Valkoinen, Kalju, Muu,
Seeking eyes color Musta, Ruskea, Sininen, Vihreä, Harmaa, Muu
Seeking smoking En polta, Satunnaisesti, Vakituisesti
Seeking drinking Never drink, Occasionally, Frequently
Seeking education Lukio, Opiskelija, Peruskoulu, Ylioppilas, Iltalukio
Haettavan partnerin kansallisuus White/Caucasion, Latinalaisamerikkalainen, Aasialainen, African American/Musta, Suomalainen, Muu
Haettavan partnerin uskonnollisuus Agnostikko, Ateisti, Baptisti, Uskoo jumalaan, Budhalainen, Katolinen, Kristillinen, Ortodoksi, Humanisti, Judaism, Luterilainen, Mormoni (LDS), Muslimi, Herätysliike, Ei usko jumalaan, Protestantti, Muu
Haettavan partnerin ikä 25 - 60
Haettavan partnerin pituus 4'2" (127cm) - 7'0" (213cm)
Haettavan partnerin paino 80 lbs (36kg) - 300 lbs (136kg)
Rekisteröintipäivä 19.04.2012, 15:07:15
Viimeiksi palvelussa You must be at least a Free member to view this data
User online status You must be at least a Free member to view this data
Favorites list You must be at least a Free member to view this data
Profile Views 9655
Suosio 5.478
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Comments 23.05.2012, 18:22:55
Hello Dearest,
My name is Miss angela, i saw your profile today at and i became interested in you, i will also like to know you the more, and i want you to send an email to my email address so i can give you my picture for you to know whom i am. Here is my email address (angeladimdeng i believe we can move from here. I am waiting for your mail to my email address above. Miss angela (Remember the distance or color does not matter but love matters alot in life) Thanks. Yours Love Miss angela.


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